Thank you for stopping by! While I love living in today’s world, with all its modern conveniences, I also treasure memories from days gone by.
My book, “2Cute 2Be 4Gotten,” recaptures some of those memories, from a time when people used to write verses in each other’s autograph books, I hope you’ll consider buying it for your daughter, granddaughter, niece, or a special girl in your life. If you purchase it for yourself, it will bring back a lot of happy memories.

While you are here, stop by my blog with my musings on relationships and the mishaps that occur in life.
I am excited about my newest book, "Early Birds Flock Together (Joys, Sorrows--and Laughs--in Senior Living)" published by Orange Hat Publishing Co. in April 2018.

"2Cute 2Be 4Gotten"
Autograph Memories
by Nancy Runner
Download a sample of the book here!
You will receive a PDF version of 10 pages.
“I love your book!! I read it cover to cover the day it arrived.” Diane
“There is such charm in the old sayings. Thank you!” Ginny
“Didn't we all have [stuffed] autograph dogs or books and then lost them along the way? Your book brought back lots of happy memories.” Susan
"I had such a good time comparing the 'tone' of the 1880's to the lighter lines from the '20's–40's. You restored an (almost) forgotten piece of my childhood with this book. Thank you!" Ann
Available on Amazon and for e-books!