Today’s Laugh
It is a poor day, indeed, that doesn’t have a laugh in it! Please enjoy this little story.
I ordered a product online, thinking it was from an American company. Then, my credit card company sent me a cheerful email saying, no worries, they would be happy to convert the price to American dollars. Good to know.
I emailed the product's customer service department (the email address was in California and easy to find) and told them I did not intend to become a VIP Member and please refund $9.99.
All went well, and I received a credit on my card. Good, no longer a VIP member.
The order arrived efficiently and was just as I expected, except an additional item was included that I could not identify. It wasn’t needed as part of what I ordered. My son looked at it and said, “It looks like some kind of tool kit.”

The seven little “tools” can be stored in that stainless steel tube, which can be added to your key ring. Very handy. But what do they do?
I emailed customer service again and attached a picture of what I received, along with my polite request, “What exactly is this?”
Folks, customer service is not dead.
I received a very prompt response, telling me this was my free gift from the VIP Mystery Box for being a VIP member. (sigh)
Also, a nice description of how this item could be used.
Are you ready? Did you guess what this is for?
Okay, I will tell you. It is an Ear Cleaning Kit.
I am serious.
This is the difference between other countries and the US of A. In this country, doctors get hysterical if you use Q-Tips to clean out your ears. My doctor’s rule of thumb was, “Never put anything in your ear smaller than your elbow.”
In other countries, they send you sharp metal objects to clean your ears.
Here is a portion of the instructions:
The ear wax removal kit has 7 different sizes of ear curette cleaners to clean both soft and hard ear wax efficiently and comfortably to prevent scratches to your delicate ears, to not harm your ear canal while cleaning effectively.
High safety for adults or children. One tiny brush is included to clean the ear picks after use.
All surfaces of the ear wax remover tool are carefully polished and smooth enough to prevent scratches to your delicate ears to deliver a pain-free ear cleaning experience. The handle is designed to be safe and non-slip. Elegant appearance, easy to control, and safe, protect your delicate ears.
All I can say is Yikes. Of course, I emailed them to say I was no longer a VIP Member and did they want their gift back?
She told me I can keep it. Yay.
I really thought this was humorous and couldn’t stop laughing! Had to sit down and write about it, immediately.
Were you surprised what this “tool kit” is for? Would you use it? Have you had any similar experiences? You can send me an email at